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Thanks For Keeping Your Promise

We all have a higher calling, if we are going to win we have to take our love higher and the LeBron James Family Foundation is building a culture of excellence and love that The Isis PR and Akron BMe Community is witnessing. We just want to say thank you for keeping your promise King.

As the most talked about kid from Akron, LeBron James, continues to chase and accomplish his colossal NBA dreams, the LeBron James Family Foundation and its broadcast partner WKYC are focusing on sharing the dreams of more kids from Akron in a series called "23 Big Dreams."  Each week a new Akron Public School student showcases his or her career aspirations.

Thanks to The University of Akron in conjunction with the LJFF and their partners these students along with many others will receive a tuition and fee scholarship to The University of Akron as long as they meet a certain set of requirements and graduate from Akron Public Schools.

To follow these wonderful children and their dreams head on over to every Thursday for the latest inspiring story.  

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